

Tanir embodies Trifarian discipline, switching stances between shield and sword to adapt to any threat, trading blows and keeping his enemies on edge with his dual mastery of offense and defense.


Passive: Trifarian Training

Unbreakable: Tanir takes 5% less physical damage.

Instead of having an ultimate ability, Tanir can switch stances between shield and sword, granting him different abilities based on his stance. Switching stances does not reset cooldowns.


Q: Shield - Guardbreaker

9/8/7/6/5 seconds cooldown based on level

Tanir slams his shield into the ground in front of him, dealing damage. He then pulls it back out of the ground, knocking back all enemies hit.


W: Shield - Bulwark

16/15/14/13/12 seconds cooldown based on level

Tanir raises his shield, reducing his movement speed by 25% and gaining 5-18 bonus armor (scaling with level) for 4 seconds.


E: Shield - Veilbreaker

18/17/16/15/14 seconds cooldown based on level

Tanir throws his shield in a target direction, stunning all enemies hit for 1 second. If the ability is recast within 3 seconds, he lunges towards the shield and pulls it from the ground, knocking up any surrounding enemies.


R: Art of War

10/8/6/4/2 seconds cooldown based on level

Tanir switches between shield and sword stances, changing his abilities.


Q: Sword - Sword Thrust

8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds cooldown based on level

Tanir lunges forward, thrusting his sword in a straight line, dealing damage to all enemies in the path.


W: Sword - Parry and Strike

14/13/12/11/10 seconds cooldown based on level

Tanir raises his sword and braces it with his fist, reducing incoming damage from the direction he's facing by 15% for 2 seconds. Afterward, he brings the sword down in front of him, dealing damage to enemies in a small area.


E: Sword - Lacerate

16/15/14/13/12 seconds cooldown based on level

Tanir performs a wide, sweeping strike in front of him, damaging all enemies and applying a bleed effect over 4 seconds. Enemies hit by the first strike are slowed by 30% for half the duration of the bleed. If the ability is recast within 3 seconds, Tanir strikes again with increased range and damage, refreshing the bleed.